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Manage your holdings with multiple portfolios. Smart Portfolio Pro provides you with real-time expert stock Consensus and Price Target recommendations from top financial Analysts, Bloggers, Insiders and Hedge Fund managers.
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Get a detailed breakdown of your portfolio through a set of advanced analytical tools. Compare your portfolio’s performance to other investors, learn to manage your portfolio volatility, reduce your mutual fund/ETF managment fees and optimize your asset allocation.
Measure Your Performance
Have you ever wondered how you are measured up as an investor? Smart Portfolio Pro allows you to compare your portfolio performance to other similar investors, get complete statistics on your transactions success rate and overall average returns.
Find Investment Ideas
In addition to analyzing the port folios of the top 10% investors that outperform the market, you can also use the simple-but-effective Stock and ETF screeners to find great investment ideas. Make the most out of financial expert advice and find out which stocks have a Strong Buy consensus and other positive sentiments.
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